Agriculture/Aquaculture Products
Solutions for a Productive Future
Ecozymetm Products
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       Ecozyme TM is a concentrated, liquid, mineral based bio-enzyme, product designed to remediate environmental hazardous wastes, including petroleum products (crude oil, drilling mud's, creosote, kerosene, coal tars, gasoline, diesel, bunker fuels, lubricating, hydraulic fluids, etc.), dioxins, chlorinated solvents, chlorinated pesticides (DTT, lindane, etc.), PNA'S, and various phenolic hydrocarbons and pesticides. Ecozyme TM has been successfully utilized for the accelerated biodegradation of toxic and hazardous compounds in land farming of contaminated soils, bioreactors, sludge ponds and lagoons.

       Ecozyme TM is fully licensed for use with standard bioremediation methodologies. State licenses and permits have been obtained for the use of Ecozyme TM for in situ remediation of petroleum based hydrocarbon chemicals, and standard bioremediation of other hazardous wastes, including PCB'S, dioxins, and related organic compounds.

       Ecozyme TM has been formulated to permit penetration of aerobic activities in soil, thereby reducing or eliminating the need to till treated soil, as well as the constant requirement to monitor the micro-nutrient levels to establish optimum bioremediation of hazardous waste.

       Ecozyme TM IS NON-TOXIC TO FISH AND OTHER AQUATIC ORGANISMS, AS WELL AS PLANTS, BACTERIA, ANIMALS EcozymeTM is uniquely formulated to actively degrade environmental contaminants, even when they are found in extremely high concentrations (greater than 30,000 ppm), and is capable of braking down extremely large saturated hydrocarbon compounds such as the creosotes, bunker fuels, refinery sludges, and crude oil.

       Ecozyme TM is a natural product designed to extract elements that specifically stimulate indigenous bacteria and other microorganisms that break down complex chemical bonds to simpler ketones and oxygen bonds that aerobic bacteria can utilize. Ecozyme TM is a unique combination of 38 enzymes from 20 enzyme families that catalyze hydrolysis, cleavage, molecular rearrangement, oxidation/reduction, and oxidative coupling reactions.

       Representing a new concept in biodegradation systems, Ecozyme TM works synergistically with Ecozyme TM a microbial stimulator, and other components as needed in an aerobic micro-ecosystem, which greatly accelerates the degradation process. Stimulated native microbes biodegrade the environmentally hazardous organic compounds to carbon dioxide, water and simple salts. The aerobic degradation eliminates odors from anaerobic decomposition within a short period of time and effectively eliminates volatilization of light chain organic molecules, such as the BTEX group of petrochemicals, into the atmosphere.

       Ecozyme TM is fully licensed for use with standard bioremediation methodologies. State licenses and permits have been obtained for the use of Ecozyme TM for in situ remediation of petroleum based hydrocarbon chemicals, and standard bioremediation of other hazardous wastes, including PCB'S, dioxins, and related organic compounds.

       Ecozyme TM has been formulated to permit penetration of aerobic activities in soil, thereby reducing or eliminating the need to till treated soil, as well as the constant requirement to monitor the micro-nutrient levels to establish optimum bioremediation of hazardous waste.


Hazardous Ingredients:

Hazardous Ingredients: Sulfuric Acid (CAS No. 7664-93-9
Exposure Limits: 1 mg/m3 (TWA)-ACGIH TVL
1 mg/m3 (TWA)-OSHA PEL

Physical Characteristics:

Liquid or dry organic bioremediation enzyme Sulfuric Acid (CAS No. 7664-93-9
Boiling Point: 100 0C
Solubility in Water
Appearance and Odor Reddish clear liquid
Specific Gravity 1.23
pH 6.0

Reactivity Data:

Stability: Stable
Incompatibility None
Conditions to Avoid:
Mildly corrosive, avoid contact with cotton & wool clothing
Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: None

Health Hazard Data:

Nature of Hazard: This product is virtually non-hazardous with the exception of <0.5% sulfuric acid content
Primary Routes of Entry: Ingestion and skin contact.
Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic):
No Know Chronic Effects

EcoZyme TM
Request the "Material Safety Data Sheet" for more details.
(Required Under USDL Safety & Health Regulation (29 CFR 1915)